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I am a Perl hacker. I have written parts of the core, created CPAN modules and written tons of perl code. In fact I am addicted to it ; or rather, CPAN. I have been wanting to play around with Google App Engine, but I haven't had time to get up to speed in Python. Today at OSCON I met up with Brad Fitzpatrick, who told me he had permission from Google to talk about and work on a Perl on App Engine project.


He makes it clear that,


I'm happy to announce that the Google App Engine team has given me permission to talk about a 20% project inside Google to to add Perl support to App Engine. To be clear: I'm not a member of the App Engine team and the App Engine team is not promising to add Perl support. They're just saying that I (along with other Perl hackers here at Google) are now allowed to work on this 20% project of ours out in the open where other Perl hackers can help us out, should you be so inclined.

グーグル・アップ・エンジン チームが、アップ・エンジンをサポートするのに Perlも追加しようとしている、グーグルの秘密の20%プロジェクトについて話すことに許可してくれたことを知らせることができて嬉しいよ。はっきりしていることは、僕はアップ・エンジン チームのメンバーではなくて、アップ・エンジン チームはPerlのサポートを加えるのを見込みがあると思っていないことなんだ。チームのメンバーは、僕が(グーグルで他のPerlハッカーとここで加わって)僕たちを助けるための20%プロジェクトを、他のPerlハッカーも僕たちを助けられることができるところで立ち上げて、僕が本当にそうしたいと思うようにしなさいと言ったんだ。

The plan is to harden Perl (one layer of defense in App Engine's hardened environment); implement Protocol Buffers and stubs of the backend services, so people can write App Engine applications on their local servers.


There is more information at Brad's LiveJournal, as well as the the Perl-AppEngine project. Capturing the creative spirit here at OSCON, Brad and I hacked together a new module that emulates a protected environment, Sys::Protect (generally good idea for any web application).
