
Thinking About New Models for Search(July 31, 2009 John Battelle)
(This is translated version of "John Battelle's Searchblog" blog post, thanks to John Battelle. )

Yesterday I spent an illuminating hour with the folks behind Wowd, a still-private-beta search upstart that is taking a new approach to, well, just about everything in search as we traditionally understand it.


In a odd coincidence, this morning Venturebeat published a thoughtful piece on how search might shift when more data, in particular social data, is added to the mix.


I point these two links out as a marker of sorts, I've got a much longer piece brewing in me about Wowd's approach to search, and how the Big Guys might respond should an upstart like Wowd get traction. More on that soon. Meanwhile, the Wowd guys posted on Tim and my Websquared paper here.
