
Friendfeed Should Become Facebook Labs(August 10, 2009 Steve Rubel)
(This is a translated version of "The Steve Rubel Lifestream" blog post, thanks to Steve Rubel.)

The big news today is that Facebook acquired Friendfeed. There's a lot of nuances to this story - and people will likely talk a ton about what it means for Twitter. Don't miss the bigger story. Here's my quick take on the news.


Facebook just got bought...
* the best social search platform on the web, hands down
* a site that has captured the heart and soul of many (not all) geeks, something they need to do to stay in the vanguard
* an incredibly smart, talented team that will bring rapid innovation to Facebook and make it even stronger


So what then for Friendfeed? My hope is that it becomes "Facebook Labs." I would love to see it remain a free-standing site and a place where they rapidly pilot new innovations with the early adopters and then bring in the most promising ones back into the mother ship.


Another more profound thought that I want to chew on some more is this: lifestreaming is going mainstream!
